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Неделя 4-я Великого Поста. (Епископ Митрофан)

Дорогие, сегодня, в 4-ое воскресенье Великого Поста, св. Церковь вспоминает преп. Иоанна Лествичника, на 16-м году взошедшем для подвига на Синайскую гору. О нем говорят его современники, что на 16-м году жизни своей Иоанн был “тысячелетен совершенством разума.” В день его памяти оглашаются в Евангельском чтении Заповеди Блаженства. Словами св. Отцов Церкви скажу вам об этом благодатном Евангельском Законе, который возвестил Господь на горе Галилейской.

“Не думайте, что Я пришел нарушить Закон или пророков: не нарушить пришел Я, но исполнить,” — говорит Господь. Сравнивая Закон Моисея с Евангельским Законом, мы обнаруживаем между ними существенную разницу. Помните, Библия повествует о том, как суровый Закон Моисея был провозглашен среди громов и молний, грозно раздававшимся трубным гласом. — А вот благодатный Евангельский Закон возвещен миру среди весеннего дня при тихом веянии прохлады с Галилейского озера, на склоне горы, покрытой зеленью и цветами. Там, в Ветхом Завете, — густые грозные тучи закрывали вершину Синая и глас Невидимого Бога поражал ужасом сынов Израилевых. — Здесь же сладостно для сердца возвещались глаголы Жизни вечной из пречистых уст кроткого и смиренного сердцем Господа Иисуса. Там — в Ветхом Завете — под страхом смерти никто не смел подойти к горе ближе намеченной черты, — а здесь народ тесною толпою окружал Христа, стараясь как можно ближе подойти и хотя бы прикоснуться к одежде любвеобильного Законодавца, источавшего мир и всеисцеляющую силу. В Ветхом Завете Небесный Учитель не стесняет свободы приходящих к Нему суровым повелением, не устрашает угрозами, Он только указывает то, чего все ищут, к чему стремится каждый человек; Он говорит о счастье, о блаженстве, и указывает путь к этому блаженству. Он не приказывает, а лишь, как любящий Отец, побуждает к исполнению их Своим тихим любящим словом: блаженны — счастливы, — говорит Христос, — кто имеет мир в совести, доброту и радость в сердце и уверенность в будущей жизни блаженной.

На Синае данный Закон был законом суровой судебной правды. Евангельский Закон это — Закон Любви; в нем соединились истина, правда Ветхого Завета, с Новозаветной милостью. В Евангельском Законе, как говорит Давид псалмопевец: “Правда и мир облобызались.” Более того, если Ветхий Закон говорит: “не делай зла,” Новый Закон говорит: “и не думай о зле, о нем и мысли к сердцу не допускай.” Новый Закон, таким образом, из сердца исторгает самые корни зла.

Евангельский Закон дан нам в Нагорной Проповеди и начинается он словами: “Блаженны нищие духом, ибо тех есть Царствие Небесное. Не те блаженны, которые бедны материально, — эта бедность может быть и от лени и от праздности, — не те блаженны, которые смиряют себя лицемерно или поневоле перед людьми, а те блаженны, кто считает себя хуже других, кто видит свои недостатки, сознает немощность своих сил, не превозносится своим умом, кто прибегает к Богу за благодатной помощью, “как нищие просят милостыни у богатых.”

Такими “нищими духом” могут быть и нищие и богатые. Нищие — бедные, когда они с благодарностью Богу, без ропота несут крест своей нищеты, трудясь в меру сил, только в случаях крайней необходимости прибегая за помощью к ближним; а богатые — когда считают себя не хозяевами, а только приставниками у Богом им вверенных земных благ, не гордятся своим богатством, но употребляют его во славу Божию, на пользу ближним. Богат был Авраам, но он говорил о себе: “я прах и пепел.” Царем был Давид, но он смиренно взывал к Богу: “я червь, а не человек, нищ и убог.” “Нищие духом” это бедные и богатые, простецы и мудрецы, господа и рабочие, это все, кто стяжал добродетель смирения, и им принадлежит блаженство. Смиренные сердцем, еще здесь на земле, ощущают радость и благодатный мир, о которых гордые люди и понятия не имеют. Нет ничего, в очах Божиих, дороже смирения. Без смирения нет и спасения, потому что без смирения ни одна добродетель не может быть угодна Богу, не может быть духовно созидающей и спасительной для человека. Ведь, все бедствия, удручающие мир, произошли от гордости. И ангел света по гордости стал противником Богу, диаволом, и Адам, надеясь стать Богу равным, сделался смертным. Гордость это — источник всякого нечестия.

Вот почему Христос предлагает с корнем исторгнуть гордость из сердца человеческого, вот почему Христос предлагает нам смирение, как крепкий камень, на котором можно безопасно созидать все добродетели. Если не будет “нищеты духовной,” т.е. смирения говорит св. Иоанн Златоуст — “хотя бы ты отличался постом, молитвой, милостыней, целомудрием, хотя бы ты имел все другие добродетели, все это без смирения разрушится и погибнет,” как это случилось с евангельским фарисеем.

Преподобный Иоанн Лествичник указывает на три главных признака истинного смирения: 1ый признак — когда душа с радостью принимает всякое уничижение, всякое оскорбление, как врачевство, исцеляющее недуги греховные; 2ой признак — когда ни на что и ни на кого не гневаешься; 3й признак — когда не доверяешь своим добродетелям и постоянно желаешь научаться добру, жизни во имя и во славу Божию.

Таким смирением обладали все подвижники, все святые. Образец же смирения имеем мы в Господе нашем Иисусе Христе. “Научитесь от Меня, — говорит Он, — ибо Я кроток и смирен сердцем, и найдете покой душам вашим.” Если Он, безгрешный, так смирял Себя, то нам ли, грешникам, гордиться, превозноситься? — а ведь мы в гордости-то и ходим.

Кто приобрел дар “нищеты духовной,” тот всегда видит свои недостатки, свои грехи, о них скорбит и плачет, закрывая свои уста для осуждения ближних. Аминь.

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Church Bookstore

The bookstore at the Protection of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church in Cabramatta carries an large array of books in Russian and English on spiritual topics plus liturgical books in Church Slavonic and English. In addition a variety of other items including icons, incense, baptismal crosses, babushka dolls, church puzzles and jewellery boxes.

The Bookstore is open after the Divine Liturgy every Sunday, on Great Feasts of the Church or by appointment – tel. 0410 717 210

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The Protection (Pokrov) of the Most Holy Mother of God

The Protection (Pokrov) of the Most Holy Mother of God

“The Virgin today doth stand forth within the Church, and with the choirs of the Saints invisibly for us doth pray to God: angels with hierarchs make reverence, and apostles with prophets sing forth: for us the Birthgiver of God prayeth the Praeternal God” — this miraculous appearance of the Mother of God occurred in the mid-X Century at Constantinople, in the Blakhernae church where there was preserved the Robe of the Mother of God, Her Head-Veil (mathoria) and part of the Belt-Sash, transferred from Palestine in the V Century. On Sunday, 1 October, during the time of the all-night vigil, when the church was overflowing with those at prayer, the Fool-for-Christ Saint Andrew (Comm. 2 October) at the fourth hour of the night lifted up his eyes towards the heavens, and beheld coming through the air our MostHoly Lady Mother of God resplendent with an Heavenly light and surrounded by an assembly of the Saints. The holy Baptist of the Lord John and the holy Apostle John the Theologian accompanied the Queen of Heaven. On bended knee the MostHoly Virgin began with tears to pray for Christians and for a long time was at prayer. Then, coming nigh the Prestol’-Throne, She continued Her prayer, which having completed She then took from Her head the veil and spread it over the people praying in church, protecting them from enemies both visible and invisible. The MostHoly Lady Mother of God was resplendent with Heavenly glory, and the protecting veil in Her hands gleamed “more than the rays of the sun”. Saint Andrew gazed atrembling at the miraculous vision and he asked of his disciple Blessed Epiphanios standing alongside him: “Dost thou see, brother, the Queen and Lady, praying for all the world?” Epiphanios answered: “I do see, holy father, and I be in awe”. The Ever-Blessed Mother of God implored of the Lord Jesus Christ to accept the prayers of all the people, calling on His MostHoly Name and hastening in recourse to Her intercession. “O Heavenly King, — sayeth in prayer the Immaculate Queen standing aethereally amidst the Angels, — accept every person, that prayeth unto Thee and calleth on My Name for help, let them not go empty away unheard from before My Visage”. Saints Andrew and Epiphanios, granted to behold the Mother of God at prayer, “for a long time did gaze at the protecting veil spread over the people and the lightning like flashes in glory to the Lord; as long as the Most Holy Mother of God was there, so likewise was the protecting veil visible; but with Her departure it likewise became invisible, and though having taken it with Her, She left behind the grace of having been there”. At the Blakhernae church was preserved the memory of the miraculous appearance of the Mother of God. In the XIV Century, the Russian pilgrim and clerk Aleksandr saw within the church an icon of the MostHoly Mother of God praying for the world, and written such, as depicting Saint Andrew in contemplation of Her. But the Greek Church does not know this feast. [trans. note: i.e. does not historically celebrate this feast. Our Russian source is here reticent concerning the historical circumstances occasioning the necessary protective intercession of the Mother of God, and it reflects a great irony, that for the Russians rather than for the Greeks this should be an important feast, since it celebrates the Divine destruction by a storm of a large pagan-Russian fleet under Askold and Dir which threatened Constantinople itself, sometime in the years 864-867, or per the Russian historian Vasiliev on 18 June 860.

The Russian Primary Chronicle of Saint Nestor notes this miraculous deliverance following the all-night vigil and the dipping of the garment of the Mother of God into the waters of the sea at the Blakhernae church, but without mention of Saints Andrew and Epiphanios and their vision of the Mother of God at prayer. These latter elements, and the beginnings of the celebrating of the feast of Pokrov, seem to postdate Saint Nestor and the Chronicle. A further historical complication might be noted under the 2 October entry for Saint Andrew — that of his demise in the year 936. Either this year of death might not be quite reliable, or that he survived into quite extreme old age after the vision of his youth, or that his vision involved some historically later pagan-Russian raid which met with the same fate. The below suggestion likewise that the Saint Andrew of the vision was a Slav (or a Skyth per other sources, such as S. V. Bulgakov) — is a nice touch, but not necessarily chauvinism: the extent of historical South Slavic penetration and re-population into Greece is the stuff of scholarly disputes].

In the Prologue, a Russian book of the XII Century, is contained a description about the establishing of the special feastday in honour of this event: “For lo, when we heard, — we realised, how wondorus and merciful was the vision and moreover an expectation and intercession on our behalf, without celebration… and it transpired, that Thy holy Pokrov-Protection should not remain without festal-celebration, O Ever-Blessed One!”. Wherefore in the festal celebration of the Divine-services to the Pokrov-Protection of the Mother of God, the Russian Church intones: ” With the choirs of the Angels, O Sovereign Lady, with the venerable and glorious prophets, with the First-Ranked Apostles and with the PriestMartyrs and Sainted-hierarchs pray Thou for us sinners, glorifying the feast of Thine Protection in the Russian Land”. And moreover, it would seem that Saint Andrew, contemplating the miraculous vision, was a Slav, taken captive and at Constantinople given over into slavery to the local inhabitant named Theognost.

Churches in honour of the Pokrov-Protection of the Mother of God appeared in Russia in the XII Century. Widely known on its architectural merit is the temple of the Pokrov at Nerla, which was built in the year 1165 by holy Prince Andrei Bogoliubsky. Through the efforts of this holy prince was also established in the Russian Church the feast itself, the Pokrov-Protection of the Mother of God, in about the year 1164. At Novgorod in the XII Century there existed a monastery of the Pokrov of the MostHoly Mother of God (the so-called Zverinsk monastery); at Moscow also under tsar Ivan the Terrible was built the cathedral of the Pokrov of the Mother of God at the church of the Holy Trinity (known as the church of Saint Basil the Great).

On the feast of the Pokrov Protection of the MostHoly Mother of God we implore the defense and assist of the Queen of Heaven: “Remember us in Thine prayers, O Lady Virgin Mother of God, that we perish not by the increase of our sins, protect us from every evil and from grievous woes; for on Thee do we hope, and venerating the feast of Thine Pokrov, Thee do we magnify”.

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Архангельская митрополия. Православная энциклопедия

Православная энциклопедия. Дата эфира 29.09.12 г.
Тема программы: Архангельская митрополия.

Программа посвящена одной из самых северных епархий Русской церкви, недавно ставшей митрополией – Архангельской. Зрители узнают о святых и святынях поморской земли, а также увидят, чем сегодня живет этот обширный край – родина Ломоносова и Иоанна Кронштадтского.

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Stars of the Orient: New Martyrs of China

Troparion, in the Fifth Tone:

In a pagan land ye were enlightened by the Orthodox Faith,
and having lived in the Faith but a little time,
ye inherited the eternal Kingdom.
By the purity of your Christian ways
ye put to shame the false Confucian piety
and trampled demon-inspired Buddhism underfoot as refuse,
sanctifying the Chinese land with your blood.
Wherefore, we pray:
Entreat the Master of all
that He enlighten your land with Orthodoxy in these latter times,
and strengthen us therein.

Kontakion, in the First Tone:

O Martyrs of these latter times,
ye whitened your garments in the blood of the Lamb,
and shed your own blood for Christ.
Wherefore, ye now minister unto Him day and night
in the Church of heaven.
Therefore, entreat Christ for us, O glorious Martyrs,
that He hide His little flock from the beguilement of Antichrist,
and that He lead all of us out of great tribulation
unto a land of never-waning light.

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Pentecost – Kneeling Prayers in English

The First Prayer

Lord, pure and undefiled, existing before all eternity, invisible, incomprehensible, unsearchable, unchanging, surpassed by none, not to be calculated, long-suffering, the only immortal One, You abide in the unapproachable light. You created heaven and earth, and all the creatures that inhabit them, supplying all their needs even before they ask. To You we pray and You we entreat, loving Master, the Father of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Who for us and for our salvation came down from heaven to be incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, the glorious Theotokos. At first You taught in words, but then showed us by deeds, when in enduring the saving Passion You gave to us Your humble, sinful and unworthy servants an example of how to offer our prayers in the bending of our heads and knees for our own transgressions and for the failings of the people.

All-merciful and loving Lord, hear us whenever we call upon You, but especially on this day of Pentecost, on which, after our Lord Jesus Christ had ascended into the heavens, to be seated at Your right hand, God and Father, He sent the Holy Spirit on His holy disciples and Apostles. As He came to rest upon each of them, and all were filled with His overflowing grace, they spoke in strange tongues of Your mighty works and prophesied.

As we now pray to You, hear us, and be mindful that we are lowly and deserving of judgment; recall our souls from the bondage of sin. Your own compassion interceding for us. Accept us as we kneel before You crying the familiar, “I have sinned!” We have been dependent on You from our mother’s womb; You are our God. But because our days have been vainly squandered, we are stripped of Your help, without any defense. Even so, encouraged by Your mercies, we cry: Remember not our sins committed in youth and ignorance, and purge our secret thoughts. Do not spurn us in old age; when our strength fails us, do not forsake us; before we are returned to the earth, make us worthy to return to You, and treat us with Your favor and grace. Measure out Your mercies against our transgressions; contrast the depths of Your pity to the multitude of our offenses.

From Your holy dwelling place look down upon the people present here in expectation of Your rich mercy; visit us in Your goodness; free us from the oppression of the Evil One; make our lives secure within Your holy and sacred laws. Entrust Your people to a faithful guardian angel; gather us all into Your kingdom; grant forgiveness to those who hope in You; remit them and us our sins; cleanse us through the work of Your Holy Spirit; put an end to the wiles of the enemy.

And also:

Blessed are You, Master, Almighty Lord, for You light the day with the light of the sun and brighten the night with the rays of fire. You enabled us to pass the span of the day and so come to the beginnings of the night. Hear our prayer and that of all Your people, and forgive us all our deliberate and unwitting sins; receive our evening petitions and send upon Your inheritance the abundance of Your mercy and compassion.

Encompass us with Your holy Angels; arm us with the weapons of Your righteousness; fortify us within Your truth; make Your strength our garrison, spare us all adverse circumstances and all assaults of the adversary. Finally, vouchsafe to us this evening, and the impending night, perfect, holy, peaceful, sinless, free of disturbing visions, and all the days of our lives, through the prayers of the Holy Theotokos and of all the Saints who have pleased You through the ages.

The Second Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ our God, You have bestowed Your peace on humankind, and the gift of the Holy Spirit, to be with us even in thus life as a perpetual inheritance to believers never to be taken away. On this day You have sent this grace upon Your disciples and Apostles in a way more manifest, giving utterance to their lips by means of fiery tongues, so that every human race, hearing in our own language received the knowledge of God, and, illumined by the light of the Spirit, emerged from error as from darkness, and in the distribution of visible tongues of fire, and by extraordinary power, were taught faith in You, and were enlightened to speak of You, as of the Father and the Holy Spirit, as one Godhead, one power, one sovereignty.

As the reflection of the Father, the perfect and immutable likeness of His essence and nature, the source of salvation and grace, open the lips of this sinner and teach me how and for what I should pray. For You know the great number of my sins, yet Your compassion will overcome their enormity. For in fear I stand before You, casting my soul’s despair into the sea of Your mercy. Govern my life, as You govern all creation by the unspoken word and the power of wisdom, calm haven of the storm-tossed, and make known to me the way in which I should walk.

Grant me the Spirit of wisdom in my thoughts, the Spirit of prudence in my ignorance. Let the Spirit of the awe of You, overshadow my deeds. Renew a steadfast Spirit in my breast, and let Your guiding Spirit make firm my errant mind, so that each day, led by Your good Spirit towards that which is profitable, I may be worthy to keep Your commandments, ever mindful of Your glorious and soul­searching presence. Do not allow me to be beguiled by the world’s corrupting delights, but rather to desire the enjoyment of future treasures. For You, Master, have said, that whatever we ask in Your name, we shall without fail receive from Your co-eternal God and Father. Thus I, too, the sinner, at the descent of Your Holy Spirit, beseech Your goodness. All that I have asked, grant me for salvation. Yes, Lord, You are the lavish giver of everything good, giving far in excess of what we ask. You are the compassionate and merciful One Who, though sinless, became sharer in our flesh, and bending in love towards those who bend the knee to You, You became the propitiation for our sins.

Now then, Lord, grant Your people Your mercies; hear us from Your heavenly dwelling place; sanctify them by the power of Your saving right hand; shelter them in the shadow of Your wings; do not spurn the work of Your hands. It is against You alone that we sin, but it is You alone we worship; we know no alien god to adore, not to stretch out our hands to any other deity, O Master. Remit our offenses, and as You receive our petitions on bended knee, extend to us all a helping hand. Accept our common prayer as a pleasing fragrance, rising up to Your blessed kingdom.

And also:

Lord, Lord, as You save us from every arrow that flies by day, protect us from everything that lurks in darkness. Accept the lifting up of our hands as an evening sacrifice. And enable us to pass the course of the night blamelessly, untempted by evil, and rid us of all disturbance and fear induced by the Evil One. Grant contrition to our soul, and to our thoughts due concern for our trial on the day of Your awesome and just judgment.

Transfix our bodies with awe of You, and deaden our earthly members, so that in the quiet of sleep we may be cheered by the contemplation of Your judgments. Distance from us every improper imagining and harmful desire. Instead raise us up at the hour of prayer strengthened in faith and growing in Your commandments.

The Third Prayer:

The never-failing spring, bursting with life and light, creative power co-eternal with the Father, You fulfilled surpassingly the plan for the salvation of humankind, shattering the unbreakable bonds of death and the bolts of Hades and trampling the throngs of evil spirits. You presented Yourself as a blameless victim for us, offering Your pure body, chaste and untouched by sin, in sacrifice, and by that terrible and indescribable oblation granted us everlasting life. You descended into Hades and broke down its gates, and sojourning among those below, You showed them the way of ascent. As for the Prince of Evil, that dragon of the deep, You snared him in an inspired lure, binding him in circles of darkness, in Your infinite power made him fast in the nether world, in the eternal fire and the outer darkness.

The glorious wisdom of the Father, You are the great help of those in peril, giving light to those in darkness and the shadow of death. Lord of everlasting glory, beloved Son of the Most High, eternal light of eternal light, Sun of righteousness, hear our supplications and give rest to the souls of Your servants, our fathers and brothers and other kin by blood, and all of the household of faith who have since fallen asleep and whose memorial we keep this day. For in You is the strength of all and in Your hand You hold the far reaches of the earth. Almighty Master, God of our Fathers and Lord merciful Lord of the living and the dead, Creator of all mortal nature, composed and again dissolved, of life and of death, of earthly existence and of the departure hence, You measure out the years for the living and set times of death, bringing down to Hades and raising up, fettering in weakness and liberating in power; You provide aptly for the present and fittingly dispose what is to come, restoring those who are wounded by the sting of death with the hope of resurrection.

Master, Lord of all, our God and Redeemer, the hope of all, at the ends of the earth and far away at sea, on this latter great and saving day of Pentecost You disclosed to us the mystery of the holy, consubstantial, co-eternal and life-giving Trinity, indivisible yet distinct, and in the descent and presence of Your holy and life-giving Spirit poured out its grace upon Your holy Apostles in the form of fiery tongues, making them proclaimers and confessors of our holy Faith, of true knowledge of God. On this universal and salutary feast, deign to accept petitions for those imprisoned in Hades, thus giving us great hope, and relief to the departed from their grievous distress and Your comfort.

Hear us, humble and pitiable, as we pray to You, and give rest to the souls of Your Servants who have departed this life, in a place of light, a place of renewed life, a joyous place, shunned alike by pain and sorrow and sighing. And place their spirits where the Righteous dwell, counting them worthy of peace and repose; for the dead do not praise You, Lord, nor do those in Hades dare to offer You glory, but it is we the living who bless and entreat You and offer You propitiatory prayers and sacrifices for their souls.

And Also:

O God, great and eternal, holy and loving, having deemed us worthy to stand at this hour in the presence of Your unapproachable glory, to sing in praise of Your wondrous acts, be gracious to Your unworthy servants and grant us grace to offer You in contrition of heart the thrice-holy doxology and thanksgiving for the great gifts You have bestowed on us and continue always. Lord, be mindful of our weakness, and do not let us be lost in our wrongdoing, but show mercy as we humble ourselves, so that, escaping the darkness of sin, we may walk in the day of justice, and girded with the armor of light, we may live free of the assaults of the Evil One, and so with courage glorify You the only true and loving God in all things.

Truly great is Your mystery, Master and Maker of all, of the temporary separation of Your creatures, to be united again in everlasting rest. We confess Your grace in all things, for our entrances into this world and our departures, of which our hope of resurrection and a life of bliss, according to Your certain promise, are the guarantee. May we enjoy it in Your future second coming. For You are both the pioneer of our resurrection and the just but compassionate judge of our lives and Master and Lord of our reward. In ultimate condescension You shared in our flesh and blood and in our passions, willingly assuming them in the depth of Your compassion so that having Yourself been tempted, You offered Yourself freely as helper to us who are tempted. Thus You united us all to You in Your freedom from passion.

Will You, then, Master, accept our prayers and entreaties, and give rest to everyone’s fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters and children, or of the same family or people, and all the souls that have gone before to their rest in the hope of the resurrection to everlasting life. And place their spirits and their names in the book of life, the bosom of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in the land of the living, in the kingdom of the heavens, in the bliss of Paradise, Your angels of light leading all into Your holy mansions. And on the day You have ordained, raise up our bodies as well according to Your unfailing promises. In departing our bodies to dwell in You our God, there is no death for Your servants Lord, but rather a change from the more sorrowful to the better and more pleasing, to rest, to joy.

And if we have in any way sinned against You, be merciful to them and to us; for no man is free of stain in Your sight though he live but a day. Only You, Who came sinless to earth, our Lord Jesus Christ, through Whom we all hope to find mercy and remission of sins.

Thus as good and loving God, remit and forgive them and us our failings, whether witting or unwitting, committed in knowledge or ignorance, intentionally or unaware, in deed or in thought, in word, in all goings about. Both to those who have gone before and to us who await, give release and repose, granting us and all Your people a good and peaceful end, opening up to us Your heart of love and mercy at Your terrible and awesome Coming and judging us worthy of Your kingdom.

And Also:

Great and most high God, You alone are immortal, abiding in unapproachable light. In wisdom You created the world; You separated the light from the darkness, and set the sun, the greater light, to rule the day, and the lesser light, the moon, and the stars, to rule the night. You have judged us, though sinners, at this present hour to come into Your presence, giving thanks and offering You our evening praise. Loving Lord, let our prayer rise as incense before You, and accept it as a fragrant offering. Make this evening and the coming night peaceful for us. Gird us with the armor of light. Deliver us from the terror of the night and from everything that lurks about in the darkness. And let our sleep, which You have given us for rest, given our weakness, be free of all demonic images. Yes, Master of all, source of all blessings, so that, even as we slumber in our beds, we may speak Your Name in the night, and so, enlightened by the contemplation of Your statutes, we may rise, our souls rejoicing, to glorify Your goodness, offering prayers and supplications to Your compassion, for our own sins and for those of all Your people, asking that, at the intercession of the holy Theotokos, You will show them mercy.

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Запись трансляции молебна на Красной площади

24 мая 2012 года в День славянской письменности и культуры Святейший Патриарх Кирилл и Блаженнейший Архиепископ Иероним совершили праздничный молебен на Красной площади. С молебна на Красной площади перед чудотворной Иверской иконой Божией Матери, который совершили Святейший Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл и Блаженнейший Архиепископ Афинский и всей Эллады Иероним, началась официальная церемония открытия Дня славянской письменности и культуры в Москве.

May 24, 2012 in the Day of Slavic Written Language and Culture His Holiness and Beatitude Archbishop Jerome made a thanksgiving celebration in Red Square. Withprayer in Red Square before the miraculous icon of the Iberian Mother of God, whomade Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill and the Archbishop of Athens and all Greece Jerome, began the official opening ceremony of the Day of Slavic Written Language and Culture in Moscow.

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15 мая 2012 года на телеканале «Россия 1» состоялся премьерный показ фильма митрополита Волоколамского Илариона «Единство верных», приуроченный к 5-летию важнейшего исторического события – восстановления канонического общения между Московским Патриархатом и Русской Зарубежной Церковью. Подписание Акта о церковном воссоединении 17 мая 2007 года, по словам Святейшего Патриарха Алексия II, поставило точку в истории гражданской войны в России. Оно положило конец болезненному и драматическому разделению в церковной среде русского зарубежья, которое продолжалось в течение многих десятилетий.

Фильм рассказывает о том, как иерархи Церкви в Отечестве и в зарубежье шли к этому эпохальному событию, как преодолевались разногласия и противоречия, какими усилиями достигалось единство. Он построен на уникальных воспоминаниях и впечатлениях непосредственных участников переговорного процесса – Святейшего Патриарха Московского и всея Руси Кирилла, архиепископа Берлинско-Германского и Великобританского Марка, секретарей обеих комиссий по восстановлению канонического общения – двух митрофорных протоиереев – Николая Балашова и Александра Лебедева и многих других.

May 15, 2012 on television channel “Russia A” film premiere of Metropolitan Hilarion “The unity of the faithful”, dated to the 5th anniversary of a milestone – the restoration of canonical communion between the Moscow Patriarchate and the Russian Orthodox Church. The signing of the Act of church reunion May 17, 2007, in the words of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, has put an end to the history of the civil war in Russia. It put an end to the painful and dramatic division in the church community the Russian diaspora, which lasted for decades.

The film tells of how the hierarchy of the Church in the homeland and abroad came to this momentous event, how to overcome differences and contradictions, what efforts achieved unity. It is built on the unique memories and experiences of direct participants in the negotiation process – the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, Archbishop of Berlin, Germany and Great Britain Mark, secretaries of the two commissions for the restoration of canonical communion – two Mitred Archpriest – Nikolai Balashov and Alexander Lebedev, and many others.

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Act of Canonical Communion – 5 Year Anniversary (Some Video Footage)

20 мая 2012 года, в неделю 6-ю по Пасхе, о слепом, Святейший Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл возглавил служение Божественной литургии в кафедральном соборном Храме Христа Спасителя в Москве. В праздничном богослужении, приуроченном к торжествам по случаю пятилетия воссоединения Русской Православной Церкви в Отечестве и за рубежом, приняла участие делегация РПЦЗ во главе с митрополитом Восточно-Американским и Нью-Йоркским Иларионом.

May 20, 2012, in the 6th week of Easter, the blind, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kyrill led the service of Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow. In a festive celebration, timed to coincide with celebrations to mark the fifth anniversary of the reunification of the Russian Orthodox Church in the homeland and abroad, attended by a delegation of the ROCOR, headed by Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York Hilarion.

20 мая в Зале церковных соборов кафедрального соборного Храма Христа Спасителя в Москве состоялся торжественный акт, посвященный пятилетию восстановления канонического единства Русской Православной Церкви. Мероприятие возглавил Святейший Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл.

May 20 at the Hall of Church Councils Cathedral of Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow held a solemn act, on the fifth anniversary of the restoration of canonical unity of the Russian Orthodox Church. The event was headed by His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kyrill.

21 мая 2012 года в Богоявленском кафедральном соборе в Елохове Святейший Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл возглавил служение панихиды по приснопамятным Святейшему Патриарху Московскому и всея Руси Алексию II и митрополиту Восточно-Американскому и Нью-Йоркскому Лавру. В числе сослуживших Его Святейшеству были члены делегации Русской Православной Церкви Заграницей, прибывшие в Москву для участия в торжествах по случаю пятилетия подписания Акта о каноническом общении между Московским Патриархатом и РПЦЗ.

May 21, 2012 at Epiphany Cathedral in Yelokhovo Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill led the memorial service service for the late Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II and Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York Laura. Among concelebrated by His Holiness were members of the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, who arrived in Moscow to take part in celebrations to mark the fifth anniversary of the signing of the Act of Canonical Communion between the Moscow Patriarchate and the ROCOR.